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On 26th January 2024 the online Kick-Off Meeting and 1st Project Steering Committee meeting were organized.

It was a good opportunity for project partners to introduce themselves and get to know each other and the project officer as well.

LP and WPLeaders presented the Work Packages, with the activities to be implemented and their timelines. The partners described the pilot actions that will be implemented in their ports, to make them even greener and take one more step towards clean energy transition. The meeting was also attended by ZRS Bistra Ptuj, Lead Partner of the thematic community project “Community4LivingAreas” for the mission “Promoting Green Areas”, which RENEWPORT is a part of. Community4LivingAreas aims to build community among thematic projects and facilitate the transfer of resources to stakeholders, focusing on technical and strategic content.

The meeting ended with the Lead Partner sharing the to do list and summarising the main guidelines of the Programme, so……let’s start with RENEWPORT!